We're rolling out Frontier Magazine and would love your help.
Frontier is a new magazine from Blaze Media, filled with some of the best original journalism, photography, and essays from around the country and the world. We’re attempting something ambitious—to create a magazine worthy of the golden age of print. No culture war essays and turgid op-eds about the way things should be. We’re focusing on the men and women building and creating on the frontiers of America.Matt Taibbi. Joe Allen. James Poulos. Mary Harrington. Chris Bedford. Helen Roy. Auron MacIntyre. Isaac Simpson. Curtis Yarvin and many others.We’ve assembled some of the best writers in the world to write about what’s possible. This is a lifestyle magazine for people who want to make new ways of living in a chaotic world.Shoot us your info, and we'll send you the first issue for free.Because we have many anonymous friends who don't want their info shared or falling into the wrong hands, feel free to leave your social handle. We're not using this to build a list or do any marketing other than to reach out and show you something we've spent a lot of time and effort building. We think it’s great and we hope you agree and will tell your friends about it.Thanks from everyone at Frontier Magazine and Blaze Media.- Peter Gietl, managing editor, Frontier Magazine
© FRONTIER MAGAZINE. All rights reserved.
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